News & Notices
Welcome to the website for the Whitton Team in the Diocese of Salisbury.
- Pew Sheet for this week
- Collect and Readings for this week
- ACT for 8th September
- Informal (Online) Worship on 8th September 2024
- Phone in on: 020 3481 5240 or 020 808 06591
- Meeting ID; 9483407 2630
- Password: 343860
- Informal Worship Sheet
Ramsbury and Axford Village Dairy September 2024
Cake and Company
We’re thrilled to re-launch “Cake and Company”, post-Covid, as an opportunity for people of all ages to meet and socialise in friendly, relaxed surroundings, and enjoy a good cuppa or “proper” coffee, and gorgeous cakes.
We’ll meet in the Aldbourne Methodist Hall, Lottage Rd, SN8 2DL, from 10.30 am – 12 noon on on the first Monday of every month – all welcome! There will be no charge, but donations will be gratefully accepted. For further information or to offer your help (details of the various roles to follow), contact: Deb Larkey (541563) or Sue Rodd (541571) or
Pastoral Care
We are committed to continue providing spiritual and pastoral care for all who live in our communities. Click here to see the contact details for clergy, the Parish Administrator, Lay Pastoral Assistants and Safeguarding Officer
Please email with any requests for prayer and/or practical help. Email to be added to our mailing list.
Please click here to visit the Whitton Team Safeguarding Policy page.
Whitton Team – Safeguarding Policy
Please click here to read the Whitton Team Ministry Safeguarding Policy (PDF opens in new window)
The Whitton Team Benefice PCC has formally adopted the House of Bishops’ Promoting a Safer Church: Safeguarding Policy Statement. Any queries should be addressed to or to a member of the clergy.
Urgent Swindon Food Collective Appeal & Assistance
How can you help? We have a special appeal page. Click here
There are food donation collection baskets in the porches at Aldbourne, Baydon and Ramsbury and at Aldbourne Stores.
Information on donating funds to the Swindon Food Collective is on their website.
“Feeding the Five Thousand”
The churches have made contact with Swindon Food Collective, who would be prepared to help us with food parcels for anyone who is currently having difficulty in paying for basic food. There is also local funding available to help with this, in addition to the sterling work already being done by Parish and County Councils and volunteers in the villages. Please contact the Revd Sue Rodd on 01672 541571 if you are aware of someone in this kind of need, or email
Whitton Team News on Facebook
You can find and follow the Whitton Team on Facebook
Whitton Wonderings on Facebook
Short video reflections about life, the universe and everything from a faith perspective, can be found on Whitton Team News, our Facebook page, at 11am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and remain available to view when it suits you. You do not need a Facebook account to watch these, but if you are on Facebook, please click on the reactions, comment and share it with friends. Contributors are drawn from our Worship Leaders, lay and ordained.
Praying round the Parish
Just a reminder that on Facebook each day, we nominate a small set of roads from our six villages, as well as some of the groups within them, suggesting that we particularly remember the people in them in our prayers that day. In the course of a month we cover the whole Parish. After you pray, perhaps ring someone you know in one of those roads or groups and check they’re OK – and maybe add some practical help to your prayers? Prayer List – (PDF)
Grapevine is the Diocese of Salisbury’s newsletter, sharing stories of lives transformed in Christ from around Dorset and Wiltshire. Please visit the Diocese of Salisbury website for the latest Grapevine. Current copies can also be found at the back of each church.