Eco Church

The Whitton Team Churches have signed up for Eco Church and we are pleased to announce that we are now the proud owners of an Eco Church bronze award!
A Rocha UK is a Christian Charity. Their vision is for churches of all denominations to care for creation as an integral part of loving their neighbours and following God faithfully. The Whitton Team is helping them to bring this vision to reality by participating in their Eco Church scheme. We are always looking for new ways to make our churches and our community more eco friendly.
If you have any ideas or would like to get involved please get in touch by emailing the Team Office
For an introduction to the Eco Church scheme please watch this video:
The scheme covers 5 key areas:
- Worship and Teaching
- Buildings
- Land
- Community and Global
- Lifestyle
How can you get involved?
This will only happen if we take what we have learned about what the bible says about caring for creation and demonstrate that the gospel is good news for God’s earth. This means taking steps beyond those taken in the church building and looking at our own lifestyles. A lifestyle audit is a great place to start WWF offer a simple to use online calculator to help you calculate the size of your environmental footprint. It covers 4 key aspects of your life – food, travel, home and stuff. You can also find information about conducting a lifestyle audit in this A Rocha Lifestyle Audit Guide.
We have prepared lots of information on how to create a lifestyle audit, reduce your environmental footprint and many helpful links to blogs and Christian Environmental Organisations. Click here -PDF opens in new window