Services for the Whitton Team of Churches
Please email with any requests for prayer and/or practical help. Email to be added to our mailing list.
Please click here to visit the Whitton Team Safeguarding Policy page.
St Nicholas’ Church, Baydon – A Church Near You
Latest news on the St Nicholas’ Church page – Baydon Village Website
Baydon St Nicholas C of E Primary School
Find St Nicholas’ Church Baydon on Facebook
How you can help our Church
Significant income for our running costs comes from donations, so if you would like to support our church financially, you can do so by:
1. Giving by cheque or direct to our bank either as a one-off donation or as a regular gift. Account name: Baydon LCC. Sort code 09-01-54. Account number 80637083.
2. By on-line giving through our CAF (Charities Aid Foundation) page – click here for details (Please note that CAF payments are paid to us net of a small administration fee).
3. Please do use Gift Aid if you are eligible – it adds an extra 25% to your gift at no cost to you. Gift Aid Declaration Form
All gifts, small and large, are very much appreciated. Thank you.

The future of our church building depends on your support
A working group coordinates efforts to support the church, and a Church in Crisis page has been setup on the Baydon Village Website, where news and updates are displayed.
St Nicholas 100 Club
Spaces are still available in the club for anyone who would like to support Baydon’s village church whilst being in with a chance to win money each month. For more details please visit the church page on the Baydon village website.